How to Grow YouTube Channel With TubeBuddy?

Extensions are tools that help you achieve the goals you set for your videos. They simply serve to improve the use of the Youtube platform.

They can be either free or paid. But in any case, they are generally easy to set up and use. All it takes is a little patience and you're good to go!

We can mention extensions such as Enhancer for youtube, Youtube Downloader, and Tubebuddy.

But for this article, we will be particularly interested in the Tubebuddy extension.

What is Tubebuddy?

Tubebuddy is quite simply an extension of the youtube platform which allows a YouTuber to facilitate his productivity and to optimize his referencing on youtube and this through very precise statistics. Tubebuddy is clearly aimed at saving time and a lot of additional views.

This application is the best video management and optimization tool and is “Youtube certified” which makes it a fully approved Youtube extension.

Tubebuddy, how does it work?

Tubebuddy will allow you every time you post a video on youtube to be ranked as high as possible. So how does this work? Tubebuddy allows you to:

  • Watch competing videos ranked in the top 3 of youtube
  • Identify the matching keywords and place them in your video in order to work the title and description accordingly.
  • And finally, Tubebuddy also offers the possibility of observing the peaks of views in competing videos and analyzing the reasons for them.
  • A huge time-saver, isn't it?

Tubebuddy tips

More subscribers on youtube, this is obviously deserved.

It's important to clarify that there is no miracle tool that will get you more subscribers on youtube if you don't give your listeners the value they expect in your videos.

But if so, you need to be able to market your videos. Otherwise, you won't be taking advantage of Youtube's ability to bring you views and subscribers through SEO and recommendation.

Tip 1: Use a YouTube Post Workflow

Keeping up with a set work pace is a sure-fire way to ensure that you don't forget anything when posting a video.

Tubebuddy is responsible for controlling the flow of your publications on youtube by listing all the steps you must follow in order to properly reference your videos. Then you just have to follow the instructions mentioned.

Having a publication workflow is in a way your ability to work at a very specific pace. This rate will establish how often you will release your videos.

It is also a means of communication with your audience.

If, for example, you have the habit of posting your videos every week, Tubebuddy adapts to this publication rate by controlling it.

Tubebuddy, therefore, allows you to work in an organized way, in order to make the most of your working time.

Tip 2: Add the video to a playlist

Tubebuddy gives you the option to add a video being published to one or more playlists while staying on the publish screen.

Tip 3: Find the right tags on youtube

This is where the real job lies. You have to look for the relevant tags based on what others are doing.

This is the tube buddy option that saves you the most time:

  • You choose from the list pre-established by the tube buddy tool the right tags to select
  • Then you add as many tags within the limit of the number allowed by the tool
  • You eliminate what does not fit
  • You measure the relevance of tags in real-time on your already published videos and you can optimize them.

By doing this, you gain SEO and recommendation, by analyzing the positioning report of your videos and tags available in the Tubebuddy interface.

Tip 4: Add automatic end screens

Tubebbudy gives you the option of creating screens on which you can add the badge of your channel. You then use these screens to highlight a particular video where you can invite your subscribers to see other videos.

Tip 5: Create Youtube Thumbnails Faster

Tubebuddy has a built-in thumbnail generator that lets you choose, for example, one of your favourite videos to turn into a thumbnail. You can create reusable templates that are automatically added to your videos by tube buddy without you having to do anything else - it's a way for you to showcase your strengths on your channel.

If, for example, you shot a video yesterday that deals with a subject that is particularly close to your heart or that you particularly enjoy editing, you can shoot it to your advantage with Tubebuddy.

Tip 6: Easily promote your videos

Tubebuddy provides you with several functions for immediate or scheduled video sharing. In this way, you can for example:

  • Fill in all the required information about your video
  • Share your video on Facebook without going to Facebook

Tubebuddy is all about getting the most things done with the least amount of time.

Tip 7: Manage Youtube comments

This tube buddy feature allows you to enter a link to a site or a product several times in a row, or simply thank your subscribers.

Tubebuddy also allows you to manage the comments of your videos, answer questions or even pin a comment that you want to highlight.

Having the option of managing the comments of your videos is a very important element.

This allows you to keep in permanent contact with your subscribers, interact with them and at the same time strengthen the links of your Youtube community.

Tip 8: batch update your videos

Tubebuddy allows you to update the description of your videos to add or modify a link to your social network accounts. How to proceed? Well, it's very simple:

  • Find a sequence of characters in all your videos
  • Replace it with another sequence
  • Add text at the beginning and at the end of all your descriptions
  • Update all your videos automatically

How do I get the Tubebuddy app?

Tubebuddy is the ultimate tool for the Youtuber who wants to be a hit on Youtube. A Youtube extension rich enough in options Obtaining it is relatively simple, by following the following steps:

1. Download Tubebuddy

To access Tubebuddy, you must first download and install it. With the Chrome browser, you will be taken directly to the chrome store to get a tubebuddy.

It also works with any other browser.

2. Create a Tubebuddy account

This second step is to create a Tubebuddy account. This is possible when you have already installed the extension.

Once the installation is complete, Tubebuddy will send you a notification to confirm that the installation was successful. You can finally connect by clicking on the SIGN IN link

3. Add your Youtube channel in tubebuddy

This involves adding your videos to your tubebuddy account by clicking on the green “ADS CHANNEL” button located at the top right of the screen.

You will then be asked if you want to allow tubebuddy to access your Youtube channel. Once this option is confirmed, your youtube channel is now connected to your tube buddy account.

Once you have followed these steps, you now have the best tool to be a YouTuber. You just need to know how to use it and put it to good use!

We hope this article will be of great use to you, and if so, please place it among your favourite articles.

See you soon!


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